
Expected Outcomes

Participants in the AKIYA AIR programme are expected to actively engage with local residents, immersing themselves in the region’s history, nature, and traditions. During their stay, they will also contribute to the upkeep of vacant houses through cleaning and maintenance efforts. The anticipated outcomes will vary depending on whether the participant is a researcher or a creator, but in both cases, their work will draw inspiration from the region. Outcomes must be presented at the end of the stay and will also be showcased at the MONO JAPAN Fair in the Netherlands the following year.

For Researchers

Researchers will present their findings with a creative perspective on Yunotsu, vacant houses, rural living, and Iwami Ginzan at the end of their residency. While the default presentation formats include presentations or exhibitions, alternative formats can be discussed.

The results, clearly identified as the researcher’s work, may be published online as content related to culture, tourism, and regional development by organisations involved in the regional revitalisation of Yunotsu, such as the government agencies of Shimane Prefecture, Oda City, and DMOs (Destination Management Organisations).

For Artists and Designers

Artists and designers will create works inspired by Yunotsu, its vacant houses, rural living, and Iwami Ginzan, as well as using local materials and traditional crafts. These works will be showcased at the end of the stay.

While the default presentation formats are presentations or exhibitions, alternative formats can be discussed. One artwork will be donated to the art festival planned in Yunotsu for 2027 (artists are encouraged to create multiple pieces to retain some for themselves).

Design works will be created in collaboration with local artisans and companies in and around Yunotsu. If future partnerships develop, the parties involved will discuss the collaboration independently, without the involvement of the program’s organising body.


Relevant Field

  • Local, social, community and historical research

  • Art, design and architecture

  • Food (Participation applications for food-related topics may also be submitted upon request)

Period of Open Call

Monday, 24 June - Friday, 26 July 2024  (UTC + 2 CET)

Notification of selected artist

Stichting MONO JAPAN will notify the selected artist by email on Thursday, 29 August 2024. The announcement is scheduled for the same date.

Basic Residency Period

Maximum period: 1st October 2024 – 26th December 2024

Selection of Finalists

Finalists will be notified by email from Stichting MONO JAPAN on 2 August 2024.

Public presentation

A public presentation will take place on Sunday, 15 September 2024 at Nieuwe Instituut during the MONO JAPAN Fair together with MUJUN and Stichting MONO JAPAN.

Number of Residents Accepted

1 artist/researcher's group consists of a maximum of 3 persons

Final Selection

Period for online interviews: between 3 - 20 August 2024

Judging Panel & Advisory Board

MUJUN (Coelacanth Shokudou. LLC)
MONO JAPAN Foundation

Satoyama Install

The open call is between Monday, 24 June and Friday, 26 July 2024  (UTC + 2 CET). Please apply using the application form below button.

Application Requirements

The applicant must have professional experience in a design or an art field; this program is not open to students. Participants must reside in Japan for the duration of the program. Apart from receiving technical guidance, applicants are expected to be self-sufficient in their daily life in Yunotsu. The applicant should have respect for local culture, history and people.

The following requirements must also be met while on the programme.

  • Arrange for any accident insurance coverage required for the duration of their stay in Japan before visiting Japan.

  • Understand that in principle, family members cannot accompany the designer during their stay.

  • Cover the expenses required for the program (including travel, production and living expenses, etc.) independently, with the aid of a subsidy

  • Being able to communicate in English or Japanese.

  • Must be located in Shimane Prefecture for the period of the program.

  • Donate one sample of their work at the end of the residency to Yunotsu or Oda city.

  • Be able to participate in residency events organised by MUJUN, such as presenting their work, presentation, or hosting open studios.

The applicant must

  • Understand the purpose of your stay and the program itself, committing to stay for the entire period (excluding Saturdays and Sundays).

  • Being free from restrictions on any occupational activities during the stay.

  • Be able to live together with other residents (1-3 people) during the period of the stay.

  • Be in good health.

Available Support & Services

  • Communication Support (English and Japanese)

  • Project Planning Support and production advice

  • Facilitation of cultural exchange

  • Provision of a passenger car at no charge (excluding fuel expenses)

  • Provision of 3 bicycles at no charge for daily commuting between housing and work

  • Free use of equipment, materials, and tools at MUJUN Workshop Yunotsu

Example: Rental car company in Yunotsu

Creator’s Expense

Travel expenses home to Yunotsu round trip

  • Production costs (depending on the creator’s plan)

  • Material costs (materials needed for creating artworks that are not available at MUJUN Workshop Yunotsu, depending on the creator’s plan)

  • Living expenses (food expenses roughly – 30,000-50,000 yen per month)

  • Work transportation cost (from Yunotsu to any place)

  • Fuel expenses for usage

  • Transportation expenses (domestic travel, etc.)

  • Other miscellaneous costs

* indicates fixed cost

The open call is between Monday, 24 June and Friday, 26 July 2024  (UTC + 2 CET). Please apply using the application form below button.